Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Selenium IDE include command for template

There is a useful extension for Selenium-Core: include, which can add the content of another test to the current test. Then it is possible to reuse test scripts for Selenese. See OpenQA wiki: http://wiki.openqa.org/display/SEL/include

However, it supported Selenium-Core only. Many Selenium-IDE users also want to use this feature. So I've ported the existing include extension to work in Selenium IDE. I added it to wiki: http://wiki.openqa.org/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=283

  • target receives the page address (relative path from base url or use absolute path)
  • text receives vars names and their values for this test as a comma separated list of var_name=value

  • include step run in Selenium-IDE looks like:

    Please set user-extension.js path for SeleniumIDE->options->Selenium Core Extensions


    1. I am getting error when installing this extension
      the error is " error loading Selenium IDE extensions : ReferenceError : Selenium is not defined

    2. I got the same error, what is the solution to this?

    3. Try loading it as a Core extension.

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