Friday, November 7, 2008

Build a regression automation testing framework based on Selenium FIT mode

When company only has 100 regression test cases written by Selenese, QA steps to do regression tasks by Selenium FIT mode:
1) Organize test cases files with suites files on local driver or shared driver
2) Open Chrome TestRunner in Firefox
3) Import test suites address in file sytem, click run
4) Monitor and wait for run finished, manually collect run result and write a run report with generic result info.

Assume your company business's growth and you have 1000+ regression test cases.
How to execute these cases in a short time and generate report with detailed enough info automatically?
0) All QA upload and maintain test cases on a central portal.
1) Choose test cases you want to kick off regression from case repository
2) Specify necessary parameter for regression and kick off
3) A scalable machine matrix in backend begin to do automation run parallelly. There are also multiple instances running simuteniously on same machine. Each instance used Selenium FIT engine. The run snapshot/result/log are stored into filesytem/DB runtimely by above instances called Agent.
4) When all run finished, a report can be generated from file sytem/DB.

It's feasible to implement such a system with Selenium FIT mode.

Comparing to similar system based on S-RC+S-GRID:
1) No need proxy server, more lightweight framework. No need precompile like .java test case source.
2) Firefox Chrome TestRunner is more stable and faster than RC Runner. It can bypass many issues which RC can't resolve. Chrome XPCOM APIs is very powerful for develop Selenium new features.
3) User only need to know how to create a Selenese test case, no other skill requirement.

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